Mr Chelsea
Mr Chelsea
Best known for the wholesale rebuilding of Chelsea (including the much-praised Duke of York Square) Paul tells the story of an architect’s life, from humiliation at school as a boy, through inspiring travels as a young man, to designing stage sets, recording studios and houses for Roxy Music, Duran Duran and Beatle Ringo Starr. Battles with planners led to the successful reinvention of hundreds of historic buildings, earning Paul the nickname ‘Mr Chelsea’, before he moved on to award-winning projects in the Far East. Throughout his career (and this book) Paul’s passion for placing people at the heart of architecture shines through.
Extra weight paperback: 250pages.
Full colour.
Size: 210 x 260mm
Publisher: Prospero Press Limited.
Language: English.
ISBN: 978-0-9928972-9-1